Newsletter #5, Volume 4, June 2021
President's MessageWelcome to the June, 2021 Georgina Historical Society Newsletter. A quote from an Ann Murray song is appropriate here; “a little good news today”, as we are entering into stage 2 of reopening from the Covid lockdown restrictions in Ontario. The GHS...
Newsletter #4, Volume 4, May 2021
President's MessageWelcome to the May, 2021 Georgina Historical Society Newsletter; May is the month that Ontario’s provincial flower, the Trillium makes its brief appearance.Interesting Trillium Facts : Three is the magic number with Trilliums, they have three broad...
Newsletter #3, Volume 4, March/April 2021
President's MessageWelcome to the March/April edition of the Georgina Historical Society newsletter. I would like to extend a thank you to all our members for your support of the Georgina Historical Society during these unforeseen times. Melissa Matt, curator at the...
Newsletter #2, Volume 4, February 2021
President's MessageWelcome to the February 2021 newsletter of the Georgina Historical Society. February is the shortest month of the year, but this year you might have felt it was the longest. The last week of February usually brings warmer days and cold nights and...
Newsletter #1, Volume 4, January 2021
President's MessageWelcome to the January 2021 newsletter of the Georgina Historical Society. I trust that you all had an enjoyable and healthy “Festive Season” while struggling to conform to the pandemic restrictions, a Christmas that we will all surely remember for...
Newsletter #10, Volume 3, December 2020
President's MessageWelcome to the December newsletter of the Georgina Historical Society. I wish to thank all our members for your support of the GHS during this trying year. Hopefully as 2021 progresses we will be able to resume our regular meetings and...
Newsletter #9, Volume 3, November 2020
President's MessageWelcome to the Georgina Historical Society’s November newsletter. November, the month that we all proudly wear a poppy and pause on the 11th hour of the 11th day in remembrance to all who have proudly served our country. Our local Legions are...
Newsletter #8, Volume 3, October 2020
President's MessageWelcome to the Georgina Historical Society’s October 2020 newsletter! Unfortunately due to the increased restrictions on the number of people allowed to attend meetings caused by Covid 19 case increases, we are still unable to hold General Program...
Newsletter #7, Volume 3, September 2020
President's MessageWelcome to the Georgina Historical Society’s September 2020 newsletter! Thank you for your patience and understanding with the cancellation of so many of the Georgina Historical Society’s meetings and activities over the last few months. Life...
Newsletter #6, Volume 3, June 2020
President's MessageWelcome to the Georgina Historical Society’s June 2020 newsletter! I trust this newsletter finds you and your families well in these trying times. Unfortunately, we have to cancel our June members meeting due to the Covid 19 pandemic. I share...