The Georgina Historical Society, as a not-for-profit organization, collects, preserves, promotes and interprets the rich history and heritage of all communities now known as the Town of Georgina.


Newsletter #5, Volume 7, May 2024

President’s Message We’ve had a busy spring this year getting everything opened up and ready for summer. We have also had some interesting opportunities come our way to spread the word about Georgina’s rich history. During a visit to the local Rogers cable show...

Newsletter #4, Volume 7, April 2024 

President’s Message Summer is fast approaching, but you’d never know it tonight. Windy and cold with a bit of snow in the air, we got spoiled with the false spring of a few weeks ago. Oh well, nearly there now.We want to thank Dee Lawrence and Sarah Harrison for their...

Newsletter #3, Volume 7, March 2024

President’s Message March is upon us, spring is just around the corner, and we’re seeing the buds and plants starting to come out already. It won’t be long before we’re complaining that it’s too hot!  The Georgina Historical Society is entering it’s fiftieth year as a...

Newsletter #2, Volume 7, February 2024 

President’s Message The groundhog tells us that we’ve got two weeks left of winter, but we haven’t really had any winter yet. Remember the good old days of three feet of snow in a day, towering snow banks along the roadway, hundreds of fish huts out on the main lake,...

Newsletter #1, Volume 7, January 2024

President’s Message A fresh new year is upon us, and as the Georgina Historical Society enters its fiftieth year as a registered non-profit organization, and its fifty-sixth year as a historical society, we must be proud of our accomplishments. Always an active part...

Newsletter #6, Volume 9, November/December 2023

President’s Message The time is flying by, the leaves are off the trees, and the clocks will be set back by the time you read this. My first year as president of the Georgina Historical Society has flown by, and I must credit our excellent board of directors for...

Newsletter #6, Volume 6, September 2023

President’s Message And then it was fall. Wow, those summers just fly by, don’t they? It has been a busy summer, and the Quilters Cabin and the gardens at the Pioneer Village are looking wonderful thanks to our Tuesday morning work crew, who have given the Quilter’s...

Newsletter #5, Volume 6, May 2023

President’s Message They say that April showers bring May flowers, but the showers won’t go away. Oh well, we’ll be complaining soon that it’s too hot and sunny, so let’s make the best of this wet stuff and get on with our lives. As the gardens are starting to wake...

Newsletter #4, Volume 6, April 2023 

President's WelcomeApril is flying by, the ice is slowly going away on Lake Simcoe, and we’ll soon be complaining that it’s too hot! It’s been a strange winter for the ice on the lake, with the ice coming in late after an exceptionally warm fall, then hanging on...

Newsletter #3, Volume 6, March 2023 

President's WelcomeAnother month is past and we’re well into March. The sun has a little more warmth every day, and it won’t be long before we’re complaining that it it’s too hot! With the warm weather comes the flowers and shrubs, and the Georgina Historical Society...


Directors Needed!

Help!!  We still need additional directors.  If you are interested in playing a role in the work we are doing, don’t hesitate to contact us.  Sarah Harrison resigned from our Board as she has just accepted a full-time library position and will be unable to participate...

Volunteers wanted!!!

Volunteers are always needed to come out to help in the Georgina Pioneer Village as a work crew when spring returns later in the year.  We are still actively seeking new board members to help us oversee the operations of your historical society.  Give any one of the...

Membership Renewal Due!

Happy New Year, GHS members!  If you have not already done so, it is time to renew your membership for 2024.  You can do this easily by providing cash or cheque payment to Kim Brady or by sending an E-transfer to  How to check if...