Newsletter #6, Volume 6, September 2023
President’s Message And then it was fall. Wow, those summers just fly by, don’t they? It has been a busy summer, and the Quilters Cabin and the gardens at the Pioneer Village are looking wonderful thanks to our Tuesday morning work crew, who have given the Quilter’s...
Newsletter #5, Volume 6, May 2023
President’s Message They say that April showers bring May flowers, but the showers won’t go away. Oh well, we’ll be complaining soon that it’s too hot and sunny, so let’s make the best of this wet stuff and get on with our lives. As the gardens are starting to wake...
Newsletter #4, Volume 6, April 2023
President's WelcomeApril is flying by, the ice is slowly going away on Lake Simcoe, and we’ll soon be complaining that it’s too hot! It’s been a strange winter for the ice on the lake, with the ice coming in late after an exceptionally warm fall, then hanging on...
Newsletter #3, Volume 6, March 2023
President's WelcomeAnother month is past and we’re well into March. The sun has a little more warmth every day, and it won’t be long before we’re complaining that it it’s too hot! With the warm weather comes the flowers and shrubs, and the Georgina Historical Society...
Newsletter #2, Volume 6, February 2023
President's WelcomeAs we work our way through this dreary winter, it’s encouraging to note that April is only two months away. Starting off the new year we had a great January general meeting, with many interesting items showing up for our “Bring and Brag.” The...
Newsletter #1, Volume 6, January 2023
President's WelcomeWelcome to 2023. Another year is behind us and the pages of the calendar are flipping over, just like in the movies. Georgina’s fascinating history is still being discovered and explored, but we mustn’t forget that history is being made every day....
Newsletter #11, Volume 5, December 2022
President's WelcomeWelcome to the December newsletter of the Georgina Historical Society. I want to thank you for your support, and as your new GHS President, I hope that I can continue to move the Society forward. The last two and a half years of COVID have been very...
Newsletter #10, Volume 5, November 2022
President's MessageWelcome to the November edition of the Georgina Historical Society Newsletter. The year seems to have gone by quickly and once again it is time for our Annual meeting on November 17. The Annual meeting will be held at the Sutton Legion, meet and...
Newsletter #9, Volume 5, October 2022
President's MessageWelcome to the October edition of the GHS newsletter…looking forward to seeing you at our upcoming General Meeting on Tuesday, October 18 at 7pm. We have been invited to the Briars Golf Club to hear Hugh Sibbald speak on the 100 years of history of...
Newsletter #8, Volume 5, September 2022
President's MessageWelcome to our September newsletter. Just a brief note to update you on our September events; of course, Harvestfest is this Saturday, September 17 at the Pioneer Village. It is not too late to volunteer some time to welcome visitors, if you are...